The Challenges of Having a Stationery & Bullet Journal Youtube Channel
Hey guys! We’re back talking about two things that I love talking about. I would love to find more ways to integrate these two topics, because it has been my focus for the last two years; reviewing stationery and creating monthly bullet journal spreads on Youtube. What I’ll talk about today also encompasses planner videos, since, essentially, it is related to stationery. I used to do a Plan With Me in my Erin Condren Life Planner every week for the longest time. The main reason why I quit was because I changed my upload schedule from four videos on my main channel to two, due to changes taking place in my business.
There are certain challenges that arise when you make content surrounding the planning/stationery/bullet journal niche. We are going to discuss some of them here.
Sharing Your Art Online
Putting yourself out there is a really scary thing. The first video is the worst, because you don’t know what to expect. As you keep on doing it, as with anything, it does get much easier. I remember when I went to post my very first bullet journal spread publicly; I was too nervous to post to Youtube, so I just posted pictures on Instagram instead. As the months went by, I did work up the courage to post to Youtube, and here I am today. Art is a very personal thing. Our art can reflect who we are as a person, or our journey and history. Sharing it with others takes courage because you are exposing who you truly are, and it leaves us very vulnerable.
Coming Up With Original Content
I talk to different people in the bullet journaling and stationery community, and some people think the planner spreads and themes you could come up with are endless. That may be, but many people still find it very challenging, myself included. It is so easy to browse pinterest or Instagram to find inspiration from what others are doing, and go from there; Why re-invent the wheel? However, it’s easy to fall into a pattern where you are re-creating someone else’s spread. While this is ok, if you have a Youtube channel, it may not be the best idea. Your viewers and subscribers are getting ideas and inspiration from you, so if they see something that has already been done, they may not be interested, and your view time or number of views may decrease.
There is a lot of pressure, especially for someone like Amanda RachLee for example, to come up with new and interesting themes that haven’t been done before. (A lot of the pressure is from her huge followings and a lot of young people look to her for new and inspiring ideas). It is true that although some idea may have been popular in the past, everyone puts there own spin on their art, because it comes from a place within you; your thoughts, ideas, history and experiences shape who you are, what you do and how you see the world.
What I personally like to do is brainstorm themes and have a bunch ready to go. Then I play it as I go along. Usually, mid-month, I’ll “feel” like doing a certain theme. If it’s something that has been overdone, I’ll try to put a new and creative spin on it. Usually, in the art process, the way I envision the project at the beginning is nothing how it turns out in the end. I’m a great planner, but when it comes to art, I let the creative juices flow and go wherever they lead me.
Getting Judged
Anyone who posts online or is actively involved in social media knows it can be a scary place. People seem to be a bit more brave than in person, because they are hiding behind their computer. People are not afraid to tell you how they feel. In all honesty, people are more likely to give you a dislike (thumbs down) on Youtube rather than a negative comment. That’s because it’s fast and easy, but you really don’t know what it means. Do they dislike your art style, the way you talk, or your editing style? You will never know unless they also choose to leave a comment.
The problem with “getting judged” is that we are afraid of something that has yet to come. Have you ever noticed that your fear always comes before the '“thing”, and that when the “thing” happens, it’s not half as bad as you expected? We are much more judgemental of ourselves than others are to us. We need to realize that there is perfection in imperfection. Our art, how we talk, what we look like, etc.. is beautiful because we are all different. Imagine if everything and everyone was the same - just like cookie cutter houses and cookie cutter neighborhoods. No one wants that - cookie cutter is BORING! Besides, have you ever wondered why the person judging is judging at all? They most likely have too much time on their hands and/or are probably not happy with their own lives or who they are, so they need to criticize other people to make themselves feel validated. Forget mean comments, (if you get them) and don’t worry about being judged - life is too short!
The Comparison Game
This is related to being judged, and also stems from ourselves mostly. The first place I ever saw this happen was in my Grade 7 art class. You know how everyone sitting at your table looks around and sees everyone else’s art? They are comparing their own art to yours, and judging themselves. Does mine look as good as hers, they might ask. Remember that everyone has a subjective opinion, meaning that everyone’s opinion is different. People see things differently than each other, and again, that is what makes art beautiful. The comparison games stems from yourself. Why are you comparing yourself or your art/work/etc… to anyone else’s? The only person you should focus on being better than is your past self. This means you are increasing your self-awareness, and improving your personal development. Life is all about learning and having fun - enjoying the things we do, and loving the people around us. Comparison is the thief of joy (Theodore Roosevelt). Remember that when you are feeling inadequate. No one else is you - you are an individual; no better or worse than anyone else!
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
I personally never felt this until I started buying things. In our new world of “If you have this, then you will feel complete” is complete non-sense. I have a lot of “stuff” (mind you, most of it is used, and a necessary component for my business). However, the thrill of buying it doesn’t last long, and once it’s delivered to your door, and stacked away with all the other goodies, you realize you are on Amazon again, looking for the next best thing. It is a never-ending cycle. This “Fear of Missing Out” is really common now because we all watch youtube. There are tons of videos out there, with people unboxing things; beauty hauls, stationery hauls (I do them too!), any kind of haul, basically. Companies are coming out with new products all the time because it’s one big competition and if you’re not in it to win, you LOSE. When I watch a video on a new planner release, I hold off. If it’s something I really want, I usually give myself a month or so to think about it. By the time I go to buy it, it’s usually sold out. LOL. However, when something I love goes on sale, or is released, I usually buy all the colors. I probably don’t need every single one, but I’m afraid they will get sold out before I can get mine. This is fear of missing out. To prevent it, stop watching all the unboxing videos, and turn off your e-mail notifications from your favorite websites so you won’t see all the “newly released products”.
Copyright Infringments
This is a scary one. If you have a copyright infringement, you can get de-monetized, have your channel removed, or at the very least be asked to remove your video. Youtube has a 3 strikes rule. You basically have three chances, but why even take the chance at all? As for music, the basic rule is just don’t use any music from Apple or streaming devices. There is free music specifically for youtube or social media on iMovie, as well as Youtube itself. Some songs require you to add the credits in the description box, and with others, it’s not necessary. I do it all the time just to be safe. I actually use a music service called Epidemic Sound. It’s $14.99 US per month, per Youtube Channel and you can use any music they have a be free and clear of any copyright notices. There are other options out there as well, but do your research.
You also need to be careful that you don’t take anyone’s idea (by that I mean, you can share ideas, but if you know someone else came up with the idea, don’t say that you did). Also, DO NOT copy or trace other people’s art work. This is a big NO-NO and shows huge disrespect for the talents of the artist. You can never take credit for someones work.
The bullet journaling community is all about sharing ideas back and forth. It is ok to admire someones work, and re-create it, but make sure you give credit for the idea or the art, and let people know where you first found it. Sometimes you even have to ask their permission, and if they say no, you have to respect that. For example, I was asked to have one of my Christmas Bullet Journal Spreads shared in a Blog and I said yes. However, the person asked my permission over e-mail and also linked my credentials under the picture.
Buying All The Things
It is easy for me to say that I need certain products that pertain to my niche. I have a Youtube Channel, and I am sharing my art with my viewers. I have stationery hauls, and beauty hauls quite frequently. This obviously costs money. I LOVE brush pens, and I do brush pen reviews on my channel for a number of reasons. First, because I love finding good quality brush pens that I can use in my art, and in my bullet journal. Also, I like to share my “findings” with you guys, so you don’t have to waste your money. You can simply watch my review to see whether the item is worth buying or not. The third reason, is because it gives me original content for my channel.
So because I went out and bought all of these brush pens, I also needed to buy storage for said pens. I found these pen cubes that Amanda RachLee had shown in one of her hauls (they are not cheap), and I now have 10 of them, just to hold all of my brush pens and fine liners). I also have a love of Journals and Bullet Journals, and have storage containers for them as well.
The point is, you need to be careful about what you buy. You might change your mind about having a youtube channel, and then some of the products you bought might become useless or irrelevant. Or, you might just never get to using all the products before they dry up or go bad. I have some brush pens that I don’t use all the time, and they are slowly drying up. I also bought brush pens that weren’t good quality, and I would never use them. In my case, I have two children and they can use them for colouring, but otherwise, they would have been wasted.
Becoming a Crowd Pleaser
When you’re on Youtube, there is a lot pressure to perform: to make beautiful spreads, to give good advice, or to stand out in a crowd of millions of other people. There is a lot of competiton in the planner and bullet journal communities. When we try to "out-do, and “out-create” other people, we tend to steer away from what we love to do to what other people love to see. This is one of the things I was scared of when I first started out on Youtube. Even before that, I was creating in my bullet journal, and that was my “me time”. It was my outlet for creating, and I didn't have to worry about anyone judging me or having to “perform” for anyone; it was relaxing. Once I started on Youtube, I felt stressed and scared, and worried about what people would think. The longer I was on Youtube, the more comfortable I became with it, but it was definitely a change.
If you have started a bullet journal, and/or a Youtube Channel, remember to keep true to your art style, and to yourself. A bullet journal is meant to help you get your life organized, and help you to manage your daily life effectively. If you find yourself becoming unhappy or wanting to quit, examine why you feel that way and see if all you need is a change instead.
Art Takes Time and Can’t Be Rushed
I have referred to art as a process before. Art is not something that just “happens”. Personally, I need to be in the mood for it, or I need to be emotional. It may sound silly, but when I’m experiencing a heavy emotion, that is when I have the greatest potential to create something amazing. When my Dad died back in 2006, I kept producing these amazing coloured pencil drawings; it was like I was pouring my grief into the pages. It helped me to focus, and to also know that art is a release for me. What I create is an expression of how I’m feeling in that moment, and reflects what I’ve been through.
If you are just learning how to draw, paint, or even hand letter, know that it takes time. It takes patience, and a LOT of practice. Some people are born with natural artistic talent, but if that’s not you; don't worry. Focus on the aspect of what you love about it and keep doing more of it. I promise; the time spent is a worthwhile investment as long as you don’t give up.
Editing Process is Longer
This part of having a youtube channel is different for all niches, and also for each individual person. I find that if you do a plan-with-me video, and you talk through it, it takes FOREVER to be edited. The bullet journal videos are the same if you choose to talk through it (i.e. similar to a live video). However, most bullet journal videos that I create require a voiceover. Some of my videos, since they include drawings or paintings, are hours long. So, I need to speed them up so they are no longer than 30 minutes. The editing processing time can be even longer if you add different clips to your videos, or special effects.
These are some of the challenges that I face on a daily basis with my planner & bullet journal videos. Do you have any of these issues? What are your current challenges with your Youtube Channel? Let me know down in the comments below! Until next week!
xoxo SAN ❤️