How To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Hello beautiful people! I hope you are doing well this week. In today’s blog, I will show you how to succeed and get one step closer to your dreams every single day. Now I am not referring to winning the lottery or anything really that involves chance or winning a large sum of money. I am involving steps that you will take all on your own to take you closer and closer to your dreams and/or your goals.

So at first when I was thinking about what to title this blog, I was having issues categorizing it. We will be talking about manifestation, affirmations, gratitude, goals, habits and planning. You can see why I might have had some trouble!

To start off, you need to determine a want, a need or a dream that you want to realize; something that you want to happen at one point in your life. That could look like wanting a family and a stable home to raise your kids in, it could mean wanting to take a vacation, or even going back to school. It can take any form, and be anything that you want.

Next, you might want to start a journal, if you don’t have one already. Journaling can take many forms. You might want a separate journal for each of these things, or you can keep it all together in one notebook.

  1. Free-form journaling: This is where you simply take any thoughts from your head and get them down onto paper. You can get a lot of clarity from this simple act. You can make notes on your day, your emotions, your mood, how others make you feel, even just simply tasks that you have done that day.

  2. Affirmations: These are statements that you write down to affirm a certain belief for yourself or about yourself. For example, if I’m feeling particularly down, I might say I am strong and I can tackle any task that lays ahead of me. You can do multiple a day, stick to one a day or even one once a week, this is entirely your choice. These statements give you power and help to make you feel good. When you feel good, you are in a good state of mind to be productive, and to be happy.

  3. Gratitude: These are also statements that you write down to show what you are grateful for. Be super honest with yourself here, because the only one that this is going to help is you. Be detailed if you can and break away from saying things like “I’m grateful for my family”, “I’m grateful for my job”. What specifically about those things are you grateful for? You might say “I’m grateful my son has a sense of humour - he is always making me laugh”. These are very powerful statements that can help bring you from a state of depression or melancholy, or brooding. No matter what your circumstance, there are always things to be grateful for. If you are in a depressed mood, it’s hard if not downright impossible to think of things to be grateful for. The same thing holds here, that if you are grateful, you are happy, and the happier you are, the more attention you can spend on doing things for yourself that will get you ahead in life.

  4. Manifestations: These are statements that you want to happen. For instance, if you had your own business, you might say something like” I will do XX amount of sales by the end of this week or month”. These are also powerful, but the main thing is, that when you write something, that topic is at the top of your mind.

When your mind is occupied with troubling thoughts, or in a dark place, the last thing you want to do is concentrate on work or productivity. So, the first step is to make yourself feel better. That might even take the form of self-care. Go get a healing massage, get a mani or pedi or take some quiet time for yourself. Do some of the journaling activities that I mentioned above. Over time, you will notice a difference in your manner and your attitude.

Once you have reached that state, you can start setting goals and planning for your future. You can do these steps interchangeably as well, since journaling is always beneficial, no matter when you start.

I would suggest checking out some of my other blogs on goal setting and planning. An important tool in your arsenal is to know how to set a goal properly. The planning tool doesn't matter so much (I would recommend a goal planning notebook like ‘Cultivate What Matters Powersheets Goal Planner’), but you need to create a strong goal that you can follow through with.

A planner is also important because now you need to fit this goal into your daily work and home life. (For instance, you might be a busy parent, and your dream is to run marathon). Well, now you need to schedule time on logistics, training, etc…) For myself, one of my goals is to attend Go Wild next year. I will start saving and planning now in order to achieve that goal for next year!

The most important thing is that whatever your dream is, it’s constantly on the top of your mind. If this is the case, you will be more likely to achieve it than if you shut the door and didn’t look at it. Write a daily mantra that you will get it, and someday you will get there.

Wishing you luck,



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