The Transition To Fall and Back To School

I hope today finds you well my friends! I really think that I have a love-hate relationship with this time of year. Particularly after this hot and dry summer, I long for cool days and fresh autumn winds but I also mourn the death of summer. I love getting cozy with a hot cappuccino and a sweater, and I miss the days with the water balloons and the kiddie pool. Just like we prepare for spring with a good spring cleaning, fall is a time to bring it all in. Pulling up the dead vegetation in your garden, trimming back the hedges, raking the fall leaves, and also, sending your children off to school.

If you don’t already know, I have two children; a son who is 7 and is going into Grade 2 this year, and my daughter, who will be 16 months old as of September 1st. The summer was crazy and busy, because both kids were home, and of course, I still had to work full time. As we start school September 2, routines become more of the norm and bed times become earlier.

One of my absolute favorite things to do is to buy school supplies. My son and I did his shopping at the end of August, and let me tell you, I had a hay day. His grandparents helped out by getting some back to school clothes and extras which was so nice, because we also got to spend the time with them. The last two weeks of August almost feel like a rush - here you are, enjoying summer, until you realize that school is only two weeks away. Then, you go into a full blown panic, realizing that Walmart already has all the school supplies out (not to mention the Halloween candy!)

I honestly don’t know how my son feels about the return to school and the end of summer. I think he was really bored this summer, because he had no friends to play with and we didn’t have the opportunity to go anywhere. So, although he detests getting up early everyday and he hates reading, I think he will enjoy seeing his friends again. I don’t know how this year will look in regards to the Pandemic, but I feel like just getting out of the house daily will be good for him.

My daughter however, depends on her big brother for entertainment. As she gets older, their interactions make me laugh so hard. She is learning so much from him and it pains me to know that she’s going to miss him terribly when he returns to school.

In business, I feel like it is crunch time as soon as the leaves start falling. Business sales pick up before the holidays and since people are staying indoors more often, they spend more time on Youtube as well. I have two Youtube Channels - my main channel is about art and planning, and my secondary channel is a beauty channel. You can find the links here:



I keep very busy (never hectic, because I am always planning at least a month or two in advance!) at this time of year. Thanksgiving and Christmas planning is huge as well. Speaking of that, I was playing around with the idea of doing something on my main channel called “Vlogmas”. This is basically creating daily vlogs every day, starting December 1st, and going right until Christmas Day. I enjoy watching these types of videos, because the videos are generally shorter than normal (it takes a lot of time and energy to edit every day!) and it’s neat to have some insight into your favorite Youtuber’s daily life. If that’s something you would be interested to see, let me know in the comments below on my website!

How do you manage this transition time? Are you sad to see your kids go back to school? Again, let me know in the comments and we will see you back here again next week!

xoxo! SAN 🧡


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