Getting Back into School Time and Normalized Routines

Well, we have reached that time once again. For those of us who have children or are caregivers for children, you know what I’m talking about. Some of us might be really happy right about now, and others are mourning the sleeping in and extra kiddie cuddles.

I’m always on the fence about this time of year. For one thing, I love summer; it’s my most favourite time of year. I love the break from routine (I’m a huge advocate for change because I get bored so quickly), and I love to have a rest from the daily grind. That being said, when you work from home, having two busy kids at home with you 24/7 really puts you to the test.

It’s really easy to become accustomed to your daily actions and routines. Do something long enough and it becomes second nature. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard for us to pick up certain habits or routines. Change can be very difficult for some people. Personally, even though I love change, I do sometimes find it challenging. I think that’s what keeps my mind in the game…the challenge. If things weren’t challenging for me, I would get bored and stop.

For instance, during summer, I didn't keep a strict routine for myself, nor my kids. It was nice to sleep in, (ahem…I am pregnant after all), but just the break from routine was what I needed. Now, as summer is winding to a close, I feel excited to get back into a regular routine. I don’t necessarily love the rush first thing in the morning, so I challenge myself to an early morning routine. I try to wake up by 5am so that I can get some much needed alone time in before the kids wake up. I use this time to think about the day ahead, and plan out what needs to be done. If I have time, I do focus work as well. (Intense work where I really need to concentrate).

Normally, I’m rushing to purchase school supplies and clothes for my son before school starts. One of my biggest pet peeves is that the stores start putting out merchandise before the summer is two months in. By the time I’m ready to go shopping, the pickings are slim. Not this year, however - I beat my goal by two weeks. Every single thing that my son needs is in his new backpack, and I’m excited for him to go back and see all of his friends. (He may not be happy about it - going back to school means less Fortnite!)

I think my biggest positive is the amount of work I can get done in a day. If I start waking up at 5am (even if it’s only Monday to Friday), the quiet morning allows me to focus on important work tasks. Once my day starts out well, it usually ends well. On days when I feel sluggish and unmotivated, well, that’s pretty much the forecast for the rest of the day.

I’m currently using the Live Rich Planner by the Budget Mom (on the side of course, because my Franklin Classic is still my greatest love). I’m challenging myself to use an hourly weekly schedule in order to time block my day. I always find that challenging, more so because I have small children and it’s hard to focus on any one task at one time. I am trying to do my best though, and I have a feeling that it will get easier when school starts.

What is your greatest pet peeve and greatest love for this time of year? Let me know down in the comment section below! I can’t wait to read it!

❤️ Sandra


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