Contributions To Society

How do you contribute to society? How do you define contributions to society? The Collins Dictionary defines it as saying or doing things to make society successful. This is also dependent on how success is defined. Here is my take on this issue, along with some thoughts.

When I first see the word “contribution”, I think money, as I think most people would. Society can be viewed as our community, our people, people in general, and all of the interconnected bits and pieces. An example of my first take on “contributions to society” would be donating to a charitable cause, like a hospitable foundation or continuing learning services.

The act of simply having a job and spending money on food, gas, clothing, etc. is an act of contributing to society. You are producing money to be spent on housing, and other items that may help to keep businesses afloat.

Paying taxes contributes to society; everyone pays a little bit to contribute to the greater good. (A very controversial issue as this is completely under government control).

What if we take money away from the equation? How else can we contribute to society? I believe that going to school and getting an education (above just high school) contributes to society. As sociology suggests, a society that is more educated is more likely to prosper than one that is not. Even just learning for the sake of learning contributes to society. The more you learn, the more knowledgable you become. You are more open to collaboration and finding new and better ways to do things.

Raising children is a valuable contribution to society. If you are a mother or father, you know how hard it is. You worry every day if what you are doing is right, and you think about how your kids are going to be once they’re older. I think about it all the time. What am I doing now, or what investments am I making to ensure my kids are set up for success. (Remember, each person’s journey is their own and you can’t control people - your kids included). You can’t tell people what they should or shouldn’t do, but if they choose to listen to your advice, that’s up to them.

Creating beautiful things, like art, murals, music, etc… is also a worthwhile contribution. We as human beings love being entertained and we also love to create. I know lots of people all over Alberta in fact that have opened up shops on Etsy and even their own websites to sell handmade objects such as knitted caps, shawls, wooden spoons, carvings and stickers. (Myself included!) Yes, this involves money, but the most important thing is the creation aspect. Creating something from scratch brings joy; from the item itself and seeing other people get use or enjoyment from the item as well.

Maybe simply feeling self-fulfilled contributes to society. Doing something you love brings you happiness. Finding your passion, whether that be in creation, helping people, teaching or healing people, the list is endless. In an ideal world, we would all find that. The endless search for happiness is right there - in the question, how do you contribute to society?



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