The New Year 2022: This One Is It

Alright…so you guys remember back at the end of 2019 and start of 2020, people were like “This year is going to be so great, I can feel it!” ? Right… Well we all know what came of that…No one was expecting it, and we couldn’t control it. As I always say, we can only control our reactions to things. Trust me, people did not show the best of themselves in 2020. Hopes and dreams were dashed, people mourned and it seemed like life came crashing down around our heads. People stopped goal setting and doing things that were normal. We learned to live a different sort of reality. We grew as time went on.

Now it’s almost 2022, and I have to ask you, are you going to live that same way this year? Now that things are on the rise and we can see the future again, I have a feeling that we are looking towards a significant improvement. Sure, it will take some more time and work to make our economy and society great again. The fact is, all we can do is live in the present and hope that the future holds good things for us. BUT! Living in the moment is essential. Appreciate it when you see a beautiful sunset or sunrise. Car dance when an awesome song comes on, and don’t worry about who’s watching.

I have written numerous blogs about journaling and goal setting. I really think that if you want to succeed and get ahead in this life, you need to set goals. There are a lot of people who fly by the seat of their pants and coast through life. Some people come from money and some people do nothing with their lives. Those people who really seem to have their shit together have goals. They make plans and work hard for what they have. Every. Single. Day.

That’s my plan. I feel like I’m closing up 2021 on a good note. I’ve started making an income with my business, and I’m off to a good start. Now it’s my job to make the next year a success. I can’t (and won’t) leave my future in anyone else’s hands but my own. There might be stress, blood, sweat and tears, but I think that will make the difference between an ok process and a great one. Remember: it’s not the end result that will make you happy. Actually, it’s rather anti-climatic. Once you reach that end goal, you ask yourself, now what?

It’s all in the process. We always look for the answer to happiness. The answer is right there, every day - in that perfect cup of tea you just drank, or that quiet morning before the kids wake up. Maybe you got an unexpected raise or you have a new baby in your family. Whatever the one little moment, happiness is found each day, with the people we respect and love and in the small moments. So, never take moments or people for granted. We never know how long we have. Stick with your goals, no matter how hard they seem and be kind to people.




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