What Is Our Purpose?

“You have purpose just by existing each day”

-Demetra Demi

When I was a kid, I always wondered what my purpose on this earth was. These times of wonder would usually be brought on by some kind of event - usually something bad. For example, my stepdad would say something awful to me and I would go to my room and stew over it for a very long time. Instead of releasing that anger and resentment, I would cry and bottle it up inside and think to the universe “Why am I here? Am I being hurt on purpose? Why are these things happening to me?” I began to think that it was normal for my stepdad to call me names and make fun of me. I thought perhaps other people’s Dad’s did that too. I didn’t realize that it was very unhealthy and actually abusive.

These events as a child were simply the beginning. They were a child’s hurts and pains, and I didn’t realize that adult life could get much worse. I’ve been through things in my life that most people probably wouldn’t have dreamed of going through. (I have written about some of the trauma that I’ve experienced in the past, and it was emotional, but also liberating at the same time. Then I started to realize that these weren’t normal events that everyone experiences. Sure, everybody goes through something (this is life), but there are some things a person should never have to experience, especially alone.

“If your path is difficult, it is because your purpose is bigger than you thought”.


As I got older, I started hearing the phrase, “learn from your mistakes”, and “you’re going through this event to make you stronger for what’s ahead”. That scares me a bit, because I feel like there was must be something truly terrible in my future if what I’ve been through was necessary to prepare me for the future.

So instead of thinking negatively, I try to imagine the possibility that exists in each day. As BJ Fogg says, “ I get out of bed, plant my feet on the floor and say today is going to be a great day”.

“Believe in sudden positive shifts. Things can change for you at any time. Trust that.”

- Idil Ahmed

I imagine that each day, anything could happen - the possibilities are endless. I might go somewhere (unplanned) and happen to meet someone who completely changes my life. I could get some surprising news, or maybe it’s something as simple as getting mail I never expected. Whatever the case, all these possibilities are positive. Of course, that’s not really what ends up happening, but it makes me look forward to the day when I get up.

So that brings us to the big question: What is our purpose? Many years ago, I knew that I wanted to inspire people somehow so I became a teacher. My dreams for that went unrealized because I ended up getting pregnant (and we all know that women can continue a career, but with great cost to their personal and family goals). So, my course changed once more.

Will we not figure out our purpose until we reach our deathbed? Do you look back on your life in really quick flashes and see all that you accomplished?

I know that one of my purposes was to raise good kids. I have proof of that already because I became a parent. I feel very strongly that what happens was always meant to happen, regardless of whether you steered it there or not. I believe in taking charge of your life, but I’m also a very strong believer in fate. Each of us already has a pre-destined fate planned out for us, and regardless of whether you think you’re in control (i.e. you make the decision to travel or go to school), the things that happen to you would have happened to you whether you made that choice or not.

That being said, I continually ask the universe why I have gone and continue to go through certain events. Why me and not someone else?

I don’t know all the answers. I do know that we’re preconditioned as young people to act, behave, believe and act in a certain way and it takes almost a lifetime to undo that conditioning and realize who you actually are. I’m using the theory of human design to figure out who I was before all these events turned me into the person I am today. I’m using Human Design to figure out what I’m supposed to do with my life and maybe that will lead me to why I was put on this earth.

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you again next week!


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